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Phone: 715.309.4150
Email: diane@qedeval.com
QED is a private research and evaluation-consulting practice
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. For 30 years, we have helped foundations, nonprofit organizations, community-based groups and public sector clients better understand their mission, and measure and communicate the results of their work.
QED can help you be:
- accountable to your funders
- in touch with your stakeholders
- in tune with the needs of the people you serve
- effective providers of service
QED provides the assistance you need to ensure long term growth, successful funding and support, a great working board and a staff with a focused understanding of your mission. Having the skills to measure, evaluate and report the results of your work can make all the difference, and that’s where the professionals at QED can help.
We help you with:
- Evaluating existing programs and services
- Defining measurable outcomes
- Connecting leaders and staff together to advance the organization’s mission
- Gathering timely, useful and accurate information for precise reporting
- Developing a long-range plan for a successful future
QED – helping foundations, businesses, schools, nonprofits and community organizations achieve powerful results. For more information call 715.309.4150 or email diane@qedeval.com.